Un figlio che è anche il medico di suo padre.
Una scelta terapeutica difficile, controcorrente: curare
la perdita di efficienza cerebrale del proprio anziano
genitore con un antibiotico.
Una promessa: “Ti porto a vedere il
mare”, quando tutto sembra perduto.
Sullo sfondo: gli studi del dottor Fiore sui rapporti
fra danno neurologico e il batterio anche della pertosse,
la crisi attuale del rapporto medico paziente, le
vicende di una famiglia, il pensiero del Sud, il mare,
l'amicizia, la convivialità, la buona cucina e altro
Dottor Mauro TODISCO
The revue Journal of Pineal Research
published the issue ‘Melatonin makes splenectomy
unnecessary in two patients with idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura refractory to
J Pineal Res. 2007 Sep;43(2):214.inks
Melatonin makes splenectomy
unnecessary in two patients with idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura refractory to
Todisco M.
PMID: 17645700 [PubMed - in process]
From 9 10 11 July in Rome, aula Marconi of CNR, was held
the ‘ 2nd Indo-Italian Workshop on Chemistry
and Biology of Antioxidants,’, organized by the
Physiology and Pharmacology Department of University La
Sapienza – Rome, and by CNR Biomolecular Chemistry
On 11th July during the 4th
session headed by Jens Pedersen (Tor Vergata University)
and Daniel Jore (Centre of Biomedical Research – Paris
University), dr. Todisco reported on the links between
melatonin and platelets.
The book ‘ Progress in Neuropeptides’, previously
introduced, has been recently published by Nova Science,
an American editor.
In Chapter 10 – ‘Melatonin, Platelets and Endothelium’
dr. Todisco explain the relationship between melatonin,
platelets and endothelium.
The book index :

Il libro
“Progress in Neuropeptides” di cui
abbiamo già dato una anticipazione, è stato
recentemente pubblicato dall’editore scientifico
statunitense Nova Science (www.novapublishers.com).
Nel capitolo 10 di questo volume, il
dottor Todisco illustra gli stretti rapporti che
esistono fra melatonina, piastrine ed endotelio (il
capitolo si intitola “Melatonin, Platelets and
Per informazione dei lettori
riportiamo l’indice del volume:
Table of Contents:
Expert Commentary A:Lack of Proper MS/MS scoring
Algorithms for the Identification of Endogenous
Peptides; pp. 1-3
(Steven J. Husson, Geert Baggerman, Elke Clynen,
Functional Genomics and Proteomics Unit, Dept. of
Biology, Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
Expert Commentary B:Researchers Do Not Sufficiently
Investigate the Influences Exerted by the Cerebral
Cortex on the relationship Between Thermoregulation
and Food Intake; pp. 5-8
(M. Monda, A. Viggiano, G. Messina, B. De Luca,
Dept. of Experimental Medicine, Section of Human
Physiology Second University of Naples, Italy)
Chapter I - Concepts and Trends in Obesity and
Neuropeptide Research;
pp. 9-44
(Vicente Barrios, Julie A. Chowen, Gabriel A. Martos-Moreno,
Dept. of Endocrinology, Hospital Infantil Univ. Nino
Jesus, Univ. Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain)
Chapter II - Prokineticin; pp. 45-69
(Shun-ichiro Matsumoto, Astellas Venture Management
LLC, Menlo Park, CA, Chihiro Yamazaki, Dept. of
Anatomy and Neurobiology, Kinki Univ. School of
Medicine, Osaka, Japan, Koh-hei Masumoto, Center for
Developmental Biology, Hyogo, Japan)
Chapter III - Vasopressin Overview-Current Status
and Future Prospects; pp. 71-93
(Masanori Yoshida, Dept. of Endocrinology, Toyota
Memorial Hospital, Japan)
Chapter IV - Peptidomics: The Search for Endogenous
Neuropeptides by Mass Spectrometry is Coming of Age;
pp. 95-123
(Steven J. Husson, Geert Baggerman, Elke Clynen,
Laboratory of Developmental Physiology, Genomics and
Proteomics, Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Leuven,
chapter V - The Involvment of Calcitonin
Gene-related Peptide in Deep Tissue Nociception; pp.
(Ranjinidevi Ambalavanar, Dean Dessem, Dept. of
Biomedical Sciences and Program in Neuroscience,
Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, MD)
Chapter VI - Somatostatin and Inflammation; pp.
(V. Panteris, E. Kouroumalis, Dept. of
Gastroenterology, Univ. of Medicine, Herakleion,
Crete, Greece)
Chapter VII - Neuroimmunomodulation During Sepsis;
pp. 175-191
(Evelin Capellari Carnio, Dalize Maria Squebola,
Lab. de Fisiologia, Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirao
Preto-Univ. de Sao Paulo)
Chapter VIII - Effect of Neurohypophysial Hormones
and their Synthetic Analogs on Haemostasis System;
pp. 193-215
(Maria Golubeva, Marina Grigorjeva, Lab. Blood
Coagulation, Biological Faculty, Moscow, Russia)
Chapter IX - Neuropeptide Hormone Dysregulation in
PCOS; pp. 217-231
(Suhail A.R. Doi, Division of Endocrinology, Mubarak
Al Kabeer Teaching Hospital, Kuwait, Dept. of
Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait Univ., Kuwait,
School of Biomedical Sciences, Charles Sturt Univ.,
Chapter X - Melatonin, Platelets and Endothelium;
pp. 233-242
(Mauro Todisco, Local Health Dept. of National
Health Service, Fermo, Italy)
Chapter XI - Orexin A: Why a Misleading Name for a
Thermoregulatory Neuropeptide?; pp. 243-253
(M. Monda, An. Viggiano, G. Messina, Dept. of
Experimental Medicine, Section of Human Physiology,
Second Univ. of Naples, Naples, Italy)
Chapter XII - Pairs of Neurotransmitters Act
Synergiscally to Regulate Neuropeptide Release from
the Hypothalamo-Neurohypophyseal System; pp. 255-272
(Zhilim Song)

E' di
prossima pubblicazione il libro
"Progress in Neuropeptide
Research" edito dall'editore scientifico
statunitense Nova Science Publishers, il cui
capitolo 10 è stato scritto dal Dott. TODISCO e
riguarda i rapporti fra melatonina,
piastrine ed endotelio vascolare.
Gli autori degli altri capitoli, sono
professori universitari di varie Nazionalità